Wary of Rising DHF Cases, favehotel Cimanuk Garut Fogging the Environment of Neighborhood Residents
favehotel Cimanuk20 May 2024
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Garut, May 20, 2024 - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a commitment to sustainable economic development that aims to improve the quality of life and the environment, both for the local community and society at large. favehotel Cimanuk Garut, located at 338 Cimanuk Street, continues to demonstrate its commitment in caring for the local community and raising awareness and concern for the surrounding environment.

As part of its social and environmental efforts, favehotel Cimanuk Garut is taking steps to anticipate the increase in Dengue Fever (DHF) cases. The hotel conducted fogging in the neighborhood, including on Jalan Tenjolaya and Jalan Pahlawan.

This fogging activity was carried out to prevent the spread of the increasing dengue outbreak in Garut Regency. Based on data from the Ministry of Health, until the 17th week of 2024, there were 88,593 dengue cases with 621 deaths. DHF cases were spread across 456 districts/cities in 34 provinces, and dengue-related deaths occurred in 174 districts/cities in 28 provinces.

The fogging activity began at 15.00 WIB, covering the area around the elementary school, house yards on Jalan Tenjolaya and Jalan Pahlawan, sewer culverts, garbage dumps, and all areas that have the potential to become mosquito nests.

This action was enthusiastically welcomed by the local residents, as evidenced by the participation of the neighborhood association (RT) and community association (RW) administrators who accompanied this CSR activity. Residents hope that this activity is carried out regularly because it is very helpful and shows the hotel's concern for the surrounding environment.

HRD of favehotel Cimanuk Garut, Anggi Febri, said, “We must always be aware of the dengue outbreak by taking preventive measures. This fogging is a form of our concern for the community, aiming to help anticipate various sources of disease from the surrounding environment. We hope that we can continue to work together to do positive things, establish a good and sustainable relationship with the residents around favehotel Cimanuk Garut.”

The spirit of CSR action from the management of favehotel Cimanuk Garut reflects the effort to build mutual respect, support, help, and care for others, starting from the immediate environment.